Getting the most out of your GFE

Getting the most out of your GFE

One of the best things about a girlfriend experience is the fact that both provider and client enjoy the interaction much more. Professional escorts with a roster of clients who ask for this brand of experience rate their level of job satisfaction much higher than those who provide traditional, interactions. They are treated with respect, they are listened to and they are showered with the kind of attention that both men and women crave from each other.

Although any professional who excels at GFE will know what to do to ‘set the tone’, there are things that you can do to enhance your experience as well. Like any woman, she will respond to you much better if you take the time to ask her questions about herself and really listen to her responses. Yes, she is a paid professional, but she is human and wants to be heard.

Along the same lines, you should consider giving her a gift or two the more time you spend with her. This doesn’t mean picking up some flowers at a local gas station either. When you actually get to know her, choose a thoughtful gift that relates to her interests and one that will impress a woman who makes the kind of substantial income she no doubt does.

Unlike most escort/ client interactions, the girlfriend experience generally includes deep French kissing, oral sex for men and women as well as intercourse and even anal depending on the provider. All about is relaxing time no rush needed! Meeting is not only about sex and gone. When it comes to kissing – Kissing is a touchy area for escorts and being the gentleman you are by allowing her to take the upper hand will be greatly appreciated.

If you are the girlfriend experience kind of guy, there is an entire world of fulfillment waiting for you. Just grab an expensive bouquet of flowers, Perfume, put your listening ears on and get out to meet me!

Please make sure donation is present in envelope on the begin our meeting so that we don’t have to talk about it after, as we know it can be awkward.